Well hello there! I didn't even hear you come in. Please have a seat, would you like a cup of tea? No? Well, alright.
I suppose you are wondering what you are doing here.
Let me tell you.
This is another blog I've started up. Plain and simple.
Throughout high school I, Loren, have had many different blogs, usually one per year (sometimes over the summer instead). Why? Because I like blogging, and I change a lot.
Its like an online diary for me.
I rarely delete old ones, I like looking back at who I was every time I start a new one.
Thats not weird, is it? Actually, don't answer that.
So who am I?
I'm a 19 year old college kid. From the fabulous state of New Jersey, but currently attending school in Philadelphia.
What will you be seeing on this blog you ask?
A lot of insomnia blogging, or, blogging at about 1 AM cause thats when a new idea strikes me.
A lot of nerdy things. Think, Doctor Who, cosplaying, and comics.
Probably some movie reviews/rants, nail art and make up tutorials, and other...stuff.
Also, a lot about my life here at college. Its basically an online/public diary. Sorry to say that this isn't Julie & Julia material.
But enjoy your stay!
Thank you for your time.